''Swamp Thing'' is an American animated television series based on the Vertigo/DC Comics superhero character Swamp Thing. The series is short-lived, with the pilot episode airing on October 31, 1990 followed by four additional episodes airing weekly from April 20 to May 11, 1991.〔U.S. Copyright Office, (Official Website ), retrieved November 12, 2011〕 It aired on YTV from 1991 to 1993 in Canada. Produced by DIC Entertainment, the series corresponded with Kenner's Swamp Thing action figure collection released in 1990. Despite the animated series' brief run, various merchandise was also produced in 1991 resulting in the only significant marketing platform ever created for the character. Like previous film incarnations of Swamp Thing, the animated series rejects the popular Alan Moore revision of Swamp Thing's origin and portrays him with his original origin as a man turned into a plant-like entity. Anton Arcane takes the role of the main villain responsible for Alec Holland's transformation into Swamp Thing. Arcane is backed by his gang of Un-Men: Dr. Deemo, Weedkiller, and Skinman. Swamp Thing also has two friends named Tomahawk and Bayou Jack. Tomahawk is Native American not to be confused with the DC/Vertigo character, Thomas Hawk, who was a soldier in the American Revolution rescued by Native Americans. Bayou Jack is a Vietnam veteran. Similar to Troma's ''Toxic Crusaders'', the animation style of ''Swamp Thing'' follows the trend of goofy, horror anti-heroes made for children. Spoofing Chip Taylor's "Wild Thing," the opening theme plays "Swamp Thing! ...You are amazing!" The series also bears an environmentally conscious side also noted in many of its contemporaries. ''Swamp Thing'' was apparently turned down by CBS, leading to its mid-season debut on FOX. Despite the show's limited number of episodes, NBC featured it during ''Chip and Pepper's Cartoon Madness'' in fall 1991, and the Sci Fi Channel would syndicate it years later. The UK's Children's Channel also re-aired ''Swamp Thing'' in the 1990s. ==Cast== * Len Carlson as Swamp Thing: Once a scientist named Alec Holland whose secret lab was destroyed by Arcane and his cronies, turning him into the Swamp Thing - He now protects the swamp from evil with his supernatural powers over nature. * Don Francks as Anton Arcane: The evil scientist is obsessed with gaining immortality (And the cause of Swamp Thing becoming what he is) that uses the Geno-fluid of his transducer chamber to turn himself and his Un-Men into monstrous creatures - He becomes an arachnid monster. * Harvey Atkin as Tomahawk: A Native American ally to Swamp Thing that battles the Un-Men. * Philip Akin as Bayou Jack: An African American Vietnam veteran and ally of Swamp Thing and later on becomes a temporally fourth Un-Man, half-human and half mantis. * Errol Slue as Dr. Deemo: A rhyme speaking snake-like voodoo doctor who transforms into the fanged Serpent monster. * Gordon Masten as Skinman: A frail, zombie-like man who transforms into the flying Fangbat monster. * Joe Matheson as Weed Killer: A green-skinned, gas mask wearing plant killer that turns into the leech-like Bogsucker monster. * Paulina Gillis as Abigail Arcane: She is the stepdaughter of the evil scientist Anton Arcane who hopes to help her friend Swamp Thing become human again. Abby's distinctive look comprises her natural beauty, lean figure, her often bare feet and her beautiful hair. * Jonathan Potts as Delbert: A young boy who is friend to J.T. and aid to the heroes. * Richard Yearwood as J.T.: A young boy who is friend to Delbert and aid to the heroes. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Swamp Thing (1991 TV series)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク